Catch all the potential of the passport photo market
ID photos per 4, 5 or 6, Mini , portrait, fun photos, funny face, funny style.
And many more exceptional services...
Moreover as well as having access to ID services from a photo booth, your customers could enjoy a large range of digital services: business card printing, CD copy, and memory cards dispenser.
High quality photos
With its 4 million pixel photographic system (346DPI), the Photo Space allows you to sell high quality products which are unique on the market and it conforms to the international norms.
A booth which is closely following the ID norms evolution
ID norms are evolving, Photo Space will allow you soon to take advantage of several biometric services needed to get passport or ID cards.
User friendly interface
The user interface and the vocal assistance help the user to get the best picture. They have the choice between several formats (ID, portrait, 16 minis, Fun photo) but they can also print their digital pictures from main digital medias or from their mobile phone.